We will display the fruit of the Spirit -Galatians 5:22-23
-We will live a life of generosity - Proverbs 11:25
-We will have healed, whole and healthy families -Psalm 91:9
-We will be people equipped and discipled - Matthew 28:18-20
-We will plow fallow (complacent and dry) ground, as God increases an oasis in the desert -Isaiah 43:19, Hosea 10:12
-For God to unlock Kingdom strategies and for His Kingdom to advance - Matthew 6:10
-For an overflow of God’s presence to boil over in our lives and cities -Psalm 23:5
-For souls to be saved in our city and valley -John 3:16
-For God’s house to grow, be healthy and for leaders to arise
-1 Corinthians 3:10-11
-For an increased spirit of hospitality -1 Peter 4:8-9
-For God to unlock creative ways we can serve, honor and bless others around us -1 Timothy 5:10
-For the Holy Spirit to lead us throughout 2025 and beyond -John 16:13
-For supernatural blessing and favor for everyone involved in business/marketplace ministry at Oasis -Psalm 128:1-2