21 day fast

January 11th-31st

Seek the lord in prayer + fasting

We are uniting together and seeking to draw nearer to God in prayer and fasting. As we do so, we are praying for an acceleration of our relationship with Jesus to grow and for God’s Kingdom to advance in our lives, community, homes, and church!


We will display the fruit of the Spirit -Galatians 5:22-23

-We will live a life of generosity - Proverbs 11:25

-We will have healed, whole and healthy families -Psalm 91:9

-We will be people equipped and discipled - Matthew 28:18-20

-We will plow fallow (complacent and dry) ground, as God increases an oasis in the desert -Isaiah 43:19, Hosea 10:12

-For God to unlock Kingdom strategies and for His Kingdom to advance - Matthew 6:10

-For an overflow of God’s presence to boil over in our lives and cities -Psalm 23:5

-For souls to be saved in our city and valley -John 3:16

-For God’s house to grow, be healthy and for leaders to arise 
-1 Corinthians 3:10-11

-For an increased spirit of hospitality -1 Peter 4:8-9

-For God to unlock creative ways we can serve, honor and bless others around us -1 Timothy 5:10

-For the Holy Spirit to lead us throughout 2025 and beyond -John 16:13

-For supernatural blessing and favor for everyone involved in business/marketplace ministry at Oasis -Psalm 128:1-2

pray + intercede

Agree in prayer with us about the above prayer prompts for our Church, our families, and our state. Write down specific prayer requests that you will be asking God for during this fast, as well! We will be holding corporate prayer and worship times on Wednesdays from 6:15-8:15pm, January 15, 22, 29. Learn more on Facebook here.

seek the lord

We will be fasting, or abstaining from food or certain types of it, from January 11th, 2024- January 31st. During this fast, we are encouraging you to seek the Lord on how and what you will fast for 21 days.
This is a time of feasting on God's Word and growing deeper in relationship with Jesus.

Bible reading plan

We are utilizing a plan by
Vladimir Savchuk Ministries, which is found on the Bible App. This plan has daily Bible reading and devotionals that will encourage you to seek Jesus during these 21-days. Find the plan here.